Day 1 Principles for New Entrepreneurs with Chris Michael Harris
Oct 04, 2021
The Revenue Throughput Podcast || Episode 60
About This Episode & Chris Michael Harris
When you're growing a business, it is EASY to get so wrapped up in the weeds that you drift from your growth-focused principles. The better you get at anchoring your business to those principles, the more impact your leadership has on you company's growth.
Chris Michael Harris brings a unique perspective to this podcast because he works with people who are thinking about becoming entrepreneurs.
These principles are things that apply whether you are looking to transition from that job into owning your own business or if you have been owning and operating your business for the last 20 years.
Chris often wondered how he would fit into the world after school. After being dissatisfied with his “real job”, he built two multi-million dollar companies from the ground up, one offline and one online. Chris believes there has never been a better time to start your own successful, highly profitable, and tremendously rewarding business. Because of this, he started a school, called StartupU.
If today’s episode inspired you to put your business plans into action, or you would like to receive more help in taking that leap of faith in becoming an entrepreneur, check out
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