Let's Talk

How to Target Growth-Driving Customers with Jose Palomino

podcast Jun 20, 2024

 Business Growth On Purpose || Episode 363

About This Episode with Jose Palomino

If you've been a business owner for more than 5-10 years, you know not all customers are good customers. Some are nightmares that strain your resources and limit your growth. Some are like jet fuel with amazing synergy and strong profitability. We all want the second one, right?

Strategy helps us identify exactly who that ideal client is and then build the business to attract THAT persona. Today, we're digging into how to target and attract clients that fuel your growth while avoiding bad fits that keep you from growing.


Listen to Business Growth On Purpose 

When you're done listening to Jose, take a look at the other innovators and business thought leaders we've recently had on the show.

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