Let's Talk

The Smarter Manufacturing Business with Darrin Mitchell

podcast Sep 05, 2024

 Business Growth On Purpose || Episode 385

About This Episode with Darrin Mitchell  

Our guest today is Darrin Mitchel, an experienced and successful manufacturing owner. After exiting his business, he has dedicated himself to helping other owners be successful. So he founded Manufacturing Masters - a program that covers a wide range of topics in five-minute chunks designed for small to mid-sized manufacturers. In this episode, Darrin will share strategic insights for manufacturers and B2B owners.

Darrin is president and founder of Mitchell Industries and Manufacturing Masters, or as he likes to put it: “Netflix for Manufacturers”. 

Over the last 20 years, Darrin grew a very successful manufacturing business. He developed a worldwide marketing system with partners on six continents, patented intellectual property, and a global supply chain, and generated profits exceeding the industry average. 

Most impressive, he did it from a small remote Island in Canada. Not adjacent to the customers or supply chain- Darrin used social media, innovation, and resourcefulness to create a new model for business.

After listening to today’s episode, check out Manufacturing Masters, where you can receive advice, training, and content developed just for manufacturers!


Listen to Business Growth On Purpose 

When you're done listening to Darrin, take a look at the other innovators and business thought leaders we've recently had on the show.

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