Let's Talk

Yes, Your B2B Brand Needs PR with Lindsey Groepper

podcast Aug 15, 2024

 Business Growth On Purpose || Episode 379

About This Episode with Lindsey Groepper 

In your B2B operation, is growth-driving PR a reality or a pipe dream?

For some owners who reach moderate success without PR, they start to adopt a hindered mentality: "I don't need PR to keep growing." The truth is a little different - to scale your growth, you need to scale your strategic brand awareness.

That's why Lindsey Groepper, President of BLASTmedia, joins us today. She's a specialist an helping B2B operations generate brand awareness that drives revenue growth in a powerful way.

In this episode, we are going to talk about PR. We will discuss if PR is still relevant; especially in mid-market B2B. And if it is relevant - how you as an owner, can use PR in a practical manner to leverage growth in your business.     

After listening to today’s episode, check out Lindsey’s podcast, SaaS Half Full. In her podcast, Lindsey talks with top marketing leaders who are crafting unique strategies for success.


Listen to Business Growth On Purpose 

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